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Bulletin of Mariupol State University
Series: Economics
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Journal of Mariupol State University was established in 2011.

Rector of MSU, Doctor of political sciences, Professor, the Corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in Mariupol Kostyantyn Balabanov.

The Collection of Scientific Papers “Journal of Mariupol State University”, series “Economics” is dedicated to the aspects of economic theory; globalization and regionalization of modern national economies; world economy and foreign countries’ economy development; cross-border cooperation; international transport borders expansion; free trade areas functioning; key priority territories; transnational corporations; development of tertiary industry, tourism, environmental sector, and recreational resources; international projects; topical issues of management and marketing.

According to the decree of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Journal is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine in the field of Economics (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 642 dated 26.05.2014).

The Collection of Articles “Journal of Mariupol State University”, series “Economics” ISSN 2518-1394 (Online), ISSN 2226-2822 (Print)

The Bulletin is registered in the international scientometric databases.

The Collection of Scientific Papers is published in mixed languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English, Modern Greek, and Italian)

Issued twice a year (June and December).

Submission of manuscripts for June: till 10th of May
Submission of manuscripts for December: till 20th of October

Papers sent after the deadlines shall be taken into consideration for the publishing in the next issue in case if the author does not object the consideration of the article.

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