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Bulletin of Mariupol State University
Series: Economics
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Requirements for article submission

1. The journal staff accepts the articles only if they meet the requirements of DSTU 7152: 2010 to the structure of the scientific paper. Scientific articles should contain the following essential elements:

- problem statement in general and in connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

- aim, objectives and relevance of the research;

- analysis of recent researches and publications that focus on solving the problem under consideration, mentioning positive aspects of others’ work and highlighting limitations of previous studies;

- an outline of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained;

- conclusion from this study and prospects for further investigation in this field.

- articles accepted for publication in the journal should cover a wide range of topical issues on literature, folklore and linguistics, in particular:

- coverage of important theoretical and methodological problems of literary studies;

- research of genre-thematic features of texts of oral folk art, problems of folklore-literary interaction;

- study of phonetic, semantic and grammatical structure of language in synchrony and diachrony, etc.

2. The text of the publication should correspond to the following structural scheme:

- the author’s name and surname;

- the title of the publication in the center of the page in bold letters;

- an abstract in the language of the publication (italics);

- a list of keywords with a subheading keywords: (italics);

- the body of the article;

- a reference list;

- the title of the publication on the center of the page in bold letters in English;

- an extended abstract in English (35 lines, italics); for publications in other languages an extended abstract in Ukrainian is required.

The extended abstract is made in accordance with the «Recommendations for preparing journals for the foreign analytical database SCOPUS», concluded by the members of the group on scientific and methodological support of the publishing activity of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (

- a list of keywords in English with a subtitle key words: (italics);

3. Requirements for submission:

- articles are accepted in Microsoft World 97-2003 format. Volume – from 8 to 15 pages including drawings, tables and list of bibliography. The main text of the article is the font TimesNewRoman, the keg 14, the interval – 1,5; margins are mirror: 2,5 sm;

- the list of bibliography should be in alphabetical order. Sources in the list of references are numbered manually without using the Word menu function «Format

- List -Numbered»;

- references to the bibliography in the text are: [7, p. 123], where 7 is the source number of the list, 123 is the page number. References to several sources are given as follows: [1; 4; 8] or [2, p. 32; 9, p. 48; 11, p. 257]. Links to archival sources – [15, pp. 258, 231 pp.];

- The researchers mentioned in the text should be numbered in alphabetical order – E. Fromm, K. Jaspers, K. Jung, M. Tarde and others. At the beginning, the name is given, and then the scholar’s surname.

4. Additional materials:

- authors are required to include the application form (see corresponding Sample) with their surname, name, patronymic (in full); scientific degree, academic title, position, place of work; postcode, home address and phone numbers, email addresses. All information is available in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English.

- articles whose authors have no scientific degree should have an external review written by the candidate or doctor of sciences in the specialty of publication or an extract from the minutes of the department meeting containing the recommendation for publishing the article. A scanned review or an extract from the minutes are submitted. Publication of articles by masters in co-authoring with their research advisor is allowed.

5. The editorial staff expects that the submitted materials have not been previously published and have not been transmitted for publication in other editions, contain accurate information. The author is responsible for the reliability of facts, statistics and other information. The editorial staff reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject the articles, as well as the right to publish, distribute and use materials in science and science databases and open access resources, on the Internet (the electronic library of Mariupol State University). The editorial staff may not share the ideological beliefs of the authors.

Sample of the article

Sample for authors who send articles to the editorial office of the scientific journal
“Bulletin of Mariupol State University”

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